Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bitter Sweet...

Ethan and I have been doing things around the house for the past two weeks, we have not had a lot of us time, only fix the house time! Yesterday was finally the day, our realtor came over and put the For Sale sign in the yard. It is a bitter sweet feeling for me since I helped Ethan pick out this house five years ago, we have so many memories in this house we made a home. We got engaged, had parties, got married and conceived our first child (I know TMI). This home has a lot of memories that I know will be dear to my heart for a long time, and I know our next house will have even more memories. Maybe I am just being emotional because I am pregnant but I found myself a little saddened when I pulled up after work and the sign was there (not that it was not there when I left this morning). Our goal is to have the house sold and into a new house by Delivery Day... we can only hope this happens in this market!


  1. I know exactly what you mean Ashley, it is sad to move on from a place you called home. Even if you are excited about the next.
